• Stockton Campus: We are located across the footbridge on the north side of campus in the Cowell Wellness Center (1041 Brookside Road). 
  • 萨克拉门托校区:我们位于哈尔伯特大厅(3257第五大道).
  • San Francisco Campus: We are located in the Wellness Center on the 5th Floor (room 513).

Yes, in most situations you will need to schedule an appointment to see a therapist. We do offer same day appointments on weekdays from 12:00pm - 4:00pm; to schedule a same day appointment, you can call our front desk (209.946.2315x2)或走进斯托克顿校区.

初次预约,请致电209.946.2315 x2 or complete our appointment request form. If you are on the Stockton Campus, 你也可以到我们科威尔健康中心的前台.

For non-emergent initial appointments you will usually be seen between one and three weeks depending on your schedule and availability.

Our services are funded by the Wellness Fee; therefore, our services are free to you! We do not bill your health insurance for any of our services; however, 如果你接受了我们精神科医生的药物处方, 你的保险将由药房支付.

已注册未来学期的学生(如.g., 在夏季访问我们的服务,并在秋季注册, or accessing our services during winter break and are registered for spring) are still able to use our services (therapeutic counseling and psychiatric support) with no additional fees.


  • Stockton Campus
    • 亲自预约:星期一至五,上午八时至下午五时
    • 虚拟预约:星期一至五,上午八时至下午六时
  • Sacramento Campus
    • 亲自预约:星期一至五,上午八时至下午五时
    • 虚拟预约:星期一至五,上午八时至下午六时
  • San Francisco Campus:
    • 当面预约:星期一、二、四上午八时至下午五时
    • 虚拟预约:星期一至五,上午八时至下午六时

We offer emergency therapy on a same-day basis as necessary, weekdays from 12:00pm - 4:00pm. 我们将由你来决定是否属于紧急情况.

To help you make this decision we'd like you to know the following information: An emergency appointment is a brief visit, 就像去急诊室一样. We meet with you as soon as we can on the same day you come in with the goal of stabilizing you in the moment.

The following are types of concerns typically addressed by Emergency Therapy Appointments:

1. Having a current plan to attempt suicide or inflict serious bodily harm on someone else.
2. 在过去7天内有下列任何一项经历:

  • 企图自杀或口头或书面威胁自杀
  • Inflicted or attempted to inflict serious bodily harm on yourself or on someone else
  • 遭受过身体和/或性侵犯
  • 听到或看到不存在的东西
  • 经历过无法控制的绝望、焦虑或愤怒
  • 无法为自己提供食物、衣服和住所
  • 最近失去了一位挚爱的人


如果在任何时候你有伤害自己或他人的危险, 请立即拨打公共安全电话209.946.3911. Public Safety officers are trained to help students and want to help you in any way that they can.

如果你想伤害自己或别人, 请拨打我们的24/7治疗支持热线209.946.2315 x3.

CAPS does have same day appointment availability between 12:00pm and 4:00pm on all open business days. Please call 209.946.2315x2预约, 或者走进斯托克顿校区的考威尔健康中心.

请拨打我们的24/7治疗支持热线209.946.2315 x3. This will connect you with a therapist who will speak with you about your concerns. This crisis therapist will let us know during the next business day that you have called, 您电话的性质以及您是否需要后续电话.

If you are a parent, a faculty member, or a staff member who would like to speak to someone about a student of concern and it is during regular business hours please call our regular number (209.946.2315, extension 2) and ask to speak to an available CAPS Staff member about your concern. 如果是下班时间,请拨打同一个号码(209).946.2315,分机2)请留言. 我们会在两分钟内给您回电话 business hours.

我们所有的长期工作人员(心理学家), licensed clinical social workers, marriage and family therapists, 和精神病学家)都完成了他们的学位课程. We also have two master's level clinicians on staff each year who are doctoral psychology interns. 这些临床医生都有丰富的咨询经验, having finished all academic requirements for their doctoral programs from across the country. 没有本科生在CAPS工作.

Yes. Our therapists are trained to work with students from many cultures and backgrounds. 我们尊重种族和文化多样性.

Yes. 我们的治疗师接受过治疗同性恋的培训, lesbian, bisexual, gender variant, and questioning clients. 我们的治疗师尊重性和性别多样性,肯定同性恋, lesbian, bisexual, gender variant, and questioning individuals.


We help students with a variety of problems, ranging from homesickness to severe mental illness. For example, 我们看到学生有焦虑或抑郁的症状, 我们看到夫妻关系出现问题, we see individuals with mental illnesses such as Bipolar Disorder and Borderline Personality Disorder, and we see students who are adjusting to living away from home for the first time. These are all typical of the types of issues or concerns that we handle on a daily basis.

Yes. 因为我们试图为尽可能多的学生服务, 在大多数情况下,我们限制了您每年可以看到的会话数量. 我们提供的治疗是短期的.e.(一学期最多5节课). 如果你认为你想要或需要长期治疗, 你需要和你的治疗师讨论你的治疗需求.

The records at 辅导及心理服务 are totally separate from the rest of your records at Pacific. For the most part, the fact that you have come to CAPS and what you discussed here is confidential and will not be revealed to anyone outside of CAPS. However, there are rare exceptions. For example, 如果你告诉我们一个65岁以上的孩子或老人正在受到虐待, 我们必须向相关机构报告. 如果你告诉我们你打算严重伤害自己或他人, 我们可能不得不介入以确保每个人的安全. We also sometimes work in conjunction with medical staff at Pacific Health Services and / or with the Student Victim Advocate. These exceptions are detailed in the Informed Consent statement you will be given during your first appointment. Additionally, the therapist you see will answer any further questions you have about exceptions to confidentiality.

我们将与任何学生会面进行初步评估. There are circumstances in which the therapist determines that an individual's needs are beyond the scope of the services offered at CAPS. In these instances, we will offer a referral to other sources of help on or off campus.

CAPS has a part-time psychiatrist that is available 9 hours a week (Monday and Wednesday mornings, 周二下午),并与我们正规博彩十大网站的学生一起工作. 与精神科医生的预约很快就排满了, so we recommend scheduling an appointment as soon as possible in order to get your medication needs met.

预约可致电209预约.946.2315 x2 or completing our appointment request form online.

Yes. We have therapists on staff who help students who have alcohol or drug related concerns. Often students also benefit from meeting with a CAPS therapist to discuss personal concerns that may relate to the substance use.


There are also several local resources that you can turn to if you are concerned about your alcohol/drug use, such as AA or NA meetings, 还有康复设施. 以下是离各校区较近的一些城市:


San Francisco: 
