Legislative & Public Policy Clinic Goals and Structure

这个诊所为学生提供了一个代表客户赞助商发展立法或公共政策变革的机会. 学生可以与立法机构中经验丰富的专业人士接触,并建立国会大厦地区的联系网络.

The Legislative & 公共政策诊所提供研究方面的实际技能经验, drafting, 并寻求采纳加州立法和公共政策的改变. Students will interact with client sponsors, elected and appointed officials in state government and their staff, lobbyists, and public affairs professionals. 学生们经常努力发展联盟,并与媒体互动,以支持立法提案.

Students participate in a weekly instructional seminar. A total of 150 hours per semester is required. 该诊所为期一年,每学期3学分,只对即将毕业的学生开放.

Prerequisites for Enrollment

A written application is required. Previous or concurrent enrollment in Lawmaking in California (822) is required. 参加首都律师专业的学生将优先入学.


Professor Cathy Christian is a retired partner at Nielsen, Merksamer, Parrinello, Gross, and Leoni, with extensive experience in election, campaign, and government law. As an attorney and legislative advocate, 她在立法机关和州机构面前代表政府和商业利益. Previously, 她在加州总检察长办公室处理诉讼和立法问题, was an appellate lawyer for the Agricultural Labor Relations Board, and a staff attorney for a legal services program. You can contact Professor Christian at cchristian1@azarnewsonline.com.

亚伦·布里诺教授曾担任加州参议员本·休索的副幕僚长,最近在哈佛大学肯尼迪政府学院完成了研究生课程. He is also the founder of Inspire California, 这是一家具有社会影响力的非营利组织,为加州圣华金河谷地区历史上服务不足的社区提供大学入学资源. 亚伦还拥有丰富的政治竞选经验,曾担任加州多个地区竞选的高级顾问. You can contact Professor Brieno at abrieno@azarnewsonline.com.

Legislative and Public Policy Clinic Bills


  • AB 9(木材):将植被管理纳入综合消防安全和预防法案. Client: California Farm Bureau Federation. Approved by the Governor Sept. 23, 2021.
  • SB 790 (Stern):授权建立野生动物走廊以防止野生动物车辆碰撞的缓解信用额. Client: California Environmental & Energy Consulting. Approved by the Governor Oct. 8, 2021.
  • AB 610 (Kalra):修改了要求学校校长通知执法部门学生行为的情况. (Students joined various juvenile justice reform organizations.) Bill died in committee.


  • AB 2402:(保险委员会):要求在住宅物业披露表格中准确描述损失的实际现金价值. Client: Personal Insurance Federation.
  • AB 2958: (Maienschein); establishes a Behavioral Health and Justice Center to provide resources for counties for mental health programs. 客户:McGeorge社区法律服务,无家可归者倡导项目
  • 法案648:(Nazarian):禁止医疗保健服务计划和保险公司分享通过健康方案收集的个人信息或数据,或根据此类信息采取任何不利行动, including declining to enroll. (学生们加入了《正规博彩十大网站》和其他机构,致力于一项为期两年的法案.)


  • sb338 (Hueso):向执法机构提供立法指导,以更新操作手册和培训,更好地为遭受各种虐待的加州残疾人或老年人服务. (学生Stephanie Chavez和Spencer Saks)(客户:The Arc of California and Community Legal Services, Elder & Health Law Clinic).


  • SB 350 (Galgiani):通过要求在有电子通信的新设施中跟踪其电子健康记录,确保对囚犯的持续照顾. (Students: Melerie Michael, Elizabeth Vice)
  • SB 791 (Glazer):要求高等教育机构向未来的学生披露更多关于学生贷款偿还状况的信息. (Students: Elizabeth Vice, Ryan Mahoney, Jordan Catalano)
  • AB 90 (Weber): Reforms the CalGang shared gang database program. (Students: Louie Ponce, Nicholas Scheuer)
  • AB 413 (Eggman):允许家庭暴力的幸存者记录他们所受的虐待,并将这些录音作为法庭诉讼的证据,而不必担心被施暴者起诉侵犯隐私. (Students: Lilliana Udang, Jessica Gosney, Charles Wiseman)


  • AB 1554 (Irwin):禁止在加州销售“粉末酒精”(又名“酒精”). 16岁的布兰登·比耶克,16岁的肖恩·克雷迪克,16岁的艾米丽·雷诺兹,16岁的学生都参与过AB 1554项目. It was signed into law by Gov. Jerry Brown on Sept. 28, 2016 and chaptered by the Secretary of State.
  • AB 1740 (Alejo):为法学院毕业生提供在州议会工作的带薪奖学金. Narek Avetisyan, '16, and Tanner Puryear, '16, worked on AB 1740. 该法案提交给大会规则委员会后,没有得到推进.
  • AB 2505 (Quirk): Prohibits euthanasia of animals using carbon dioxide gas. McGeorge students Navnit Bhandal, '17, and Tessa Nevarez, '17 worked on AB 2505, which was signed into law by Gov. 杰里·布朗于2016年7月25日,并由国务卿主持. The student team also worked on AB 1825 (Gordon), 该法案于7月25日签署成为法律,并确保作为拳击赛一部分被抓获的狗不会被自动处死, but rather evaluated for suitability for adoption.
  • SB 1064 (Hancock): Will allow counties to create collaborative, comprehensive programs to identify, treat, and rehabilitate commercially sexually exploited children. 16岁的里哈·帕塔克和16岁的凯拉·塞耶致力于这项法案,并由州长签署成为法律. Jerry Brown on Sept. 26, 2016 and chaptered by the Secretary of State.
  • SB 1339 (Monning)确保符合加州医疗保险资格的病人在从一个县转移到另一个县期间继续获得医疗保健服务. 16岁的Brittney Barsotti, 16岁的Lauren Ngo,以及17岁的学生Anam Hasan参与了sb1339的研究. It was signed into law by Gov. Jerry Brown on Sept. 29, 2016 and chaptered by the Secretary of State.


  • AB 100 (Alejo) — Law Fellowships (died)
  • AB 291(麦地那)- CEQA通知/多县水转移(在参议院活跃), died in committee)
  • AB 791 (Cooley) — Online Advanced Health Care Directives (died)
  • ab1200(戈登)-采购游说(立法会通过,布朗州长否决)


  • AB 2643 (Wieckowski) — Revenge Porn (signed into law)
  • AB 2452 (Pan) — Advanced Healthcare Directives (died)
  • AB 2623 (Pan) -警务人员训练-长者法(已签署成为法律)
  • AB 2632 (Maienschein) -国家依赖护理设施(签署成为法律)
  • SB 1058 (Leno) -名誉扫地的专家证人证词(签署成为法律)

Other Questions?

Contact Melissa Brown, Director, Legal Clinics