正规博彩十大网站,亚瑟一个. 杜戈尼牙科学院 requires all conditional accepted applicants, 在入学之前, 提交犯罪背景调查(CBC). A final decision about matriculation will be made after a review of the applicant's CBC.

The underlying principle for performing criminal background checks is:

  • to ascertain the ability of accepted applicants and enrolled dental students to eventually become licensed as dentists.
  • 促进病人的安全和健康.
  • to strengthen the continuing trust of the public in the dental profession.
  • to minimize the liability of dental schools and their affiliated clinical facilities.
  • 培养最高水平的学习环境.

Individuals who are offered a conditional acceptance to the 杜戈尼牙科学院 must successfully complete a criminal background check (CBC) 在入学之前 into our DDS program. The CBC will serve to verify information provided in the application. The Dugoni School requires this criminal background screening process following conditional acceptance and prior to enrollment. The rationale for extending these requirements to incoming dental students is the concept of due diligence and competency.

The criminal background check will not be a component of the application, 面试, or selection process but will be a mandatory component of the pre-matriculation process. The final decision regarding matriculation of an applicant will be based on the self-reported information in the candidate's application and information in the CBC report. Factors involved in the final decision may include, but are not limited to:

  • the nature, circumstances, and frequency of any reported offense(s).
  • 罪行发生后的时间长短.
  • available information that addresses efforts at rehabilitation.
  • 申请人所提供资料的准确性.

The information obtained through a criminal background check will not become part of a student's academic file and will remain confidential unless the findings result in an institutional action by the 杜戈尼牙科学院.

Only candidates offered class positions and alternate-list candidates will be asked to provide a criminal background check 在入学之前.

Each candidate shall pay for his or her respective background screen estimated at $40.

Individuals who do not give permission to the conduct of the criminal background check or who fail to provide the report as required will not be allowed to matriculate into the educational program.

Criminal background checks will be facilitated by the American 牙科 Education Association (ADEA) AADSAS and conducted by ADEA selected vendor, Certiphi®筛选公司. (CSI). Conditionally accepted individuals will be contacted by CSI after the admissions offer has been made to conduct a background check. Accepted individuals are responsible for the cost for the CBC. 中国广播公司的报告副本应送交亚瑟. 杜戈尼牙科学院 admissions office and to the conditional accepted student.

Conditional accepted individuals understand that CSI was not involved in any decision that may adversely affect the individual. All information will be separately maintained in a confidential file. The background check document will be destroyed upon graduation/separation from the institution. The report shall include all convictions and deferred adjudications of a felony or misdemeanor level. Individuals will be provided with an opportunity to contest the accuracy of the contents of the report within a specified time period. Validated background reports found to be in conflict with responses on the application may be grounds for withdrawal of an offer of enrollment based upon submission of false or misleading information on the application. The existence of a conviction will not necessarily result in a denial of admission to our dental institution, 它的项目和/或住房. Instead each case will be reviewed by a committee other than the admissions committee and evaluated on its facts. 以下是取消资格的刑事罪行的例子.

This review committee shall include but is not limited to the Associate Dean for 学生服务, Associate Dean for Academic Affairs (or other administrative deans) and if necessary, 大学律师澄清法律程序.



  • 暴力犯罪.
  • 任何涉及非法性行为的重罪.
  • 任何重罪, the underlying basis of which has been found by the court on the record to include an act of domestic violence.
  • 虐待儿童的重罪.
  • 其他州的重罪, the elements which are substantially similar to the elements of any of the above offenses.


  • 第三等级的攻击.
  • 任何轻罪, the underlying factual basis of which has been found by the court on the record to include an act of domestic violence.
  • 虐待儿童的轻罪.
  • 任何轻罪 offense of sexual 攻击 on a client by a psychotherapist.
  • 其他州的轻罪, the elements of which are substantially similar to the elements of any of the misdemeanor offenses listed above.


  • Convictions/deferred adjudications involving crimes against persons (physical or sexual abuse, 忽视, 攻击, 谋杀, 等.).
  • Convictions related to moral turpitude (prostitution, public lewdness/exposure, 等.).
  • 与出售有关的定罪/延期裁决, 占有, 分布, 或转移麻醉品或管制物品.
  • 登记性犯罪者.

For more additional information, please visit ADEA's website: 缉毒局犯罪背景调查.