亚瑟号的任务. 杜戈尼牙科学院校友会是为了促进其成员之间的终身关系,并与牙科学校.

Arthur A的校友. 杜戈尼牙科学院 are exceptional professionals. Leaders in local, 州和国家牙科组织, our alumni are also active participants and volunteers in their communities. Their ties to the dental school remain strong long after graduation. In fact, 无数的校友回到学校教书,同时继续在外面做牙科诊所. 其他人指导未来的牙科学生或志愿者作为我们的校友或基金会的成员. 校友通过地区继续教育项目和/或校友会组织的社会活动与学校和其他校友重新建立联系. 了解更多信息,今天就加入我们!

Join Us!

Your dues support the Alumni Association and give you a wide range of benefits. Signing up for our newsletter will keep you informed and connected!

Friday, Jan. 31 – Saturday, Feb. 1, 2025
Alumni Weekend

Come to our two-day Alumni Weekend to socialize with classmates and colleagues, 和学生打成一片, 杜戈尼牙科学院的教职员工! 

Take a variety of courses for up to 12 CEUs — plus enjoy vendor exhibits, Friday’s buffet-style lunch and recognition program/evening reception.

周六我们将提供欧陆式早餐,开发团队将举行晚会, 包括同学聚会. 

Members-only benefit
Business Directory

NEW! List your business and search for classmates’ and colleagues’ businesses. 获得推荐,并与同事保持联系! This directory is for businesses only as it will be open to the public. (Members can continue to contact the Alumni Association for referrals as well: dugonialumni@azarnewsonline.com)

group of people
Upcoming Events
Save the Dates!

Did you hear there will no longer be CDA Presents meetings in Northern California? 没问题:计划参加我们每年冬天的年度校友会会议,在那里你可以获得多达12个CE单位. 带上你的员工和同事! 在日历上标记:2025年1月31日至2月1日.

Dental Opportunities
学生职业清单 & Alumni

Recent graduate? Looking for work? You'll find opportunities listed here, and you can post your CV too!

dental clinic

你是在找牙医还是卫生员? 校友会会员在缴纳年费时可以免费张贴名单.

now hiring

Posting a listing is free for Alumni Association members current in their annual dues. For all others, the fee is $210 for three months; or individuals can join the Alumni Association —   for the dues-equivalent fee of $210 which will allow you to post up to seven listings during a one-year period*. 发布七次后,每条广告收费50美元. The same rule applies to businesses wishing to post listings.

*One-year: Our dues-period years follow the academic calendar: July through June.


你是在找牙医还是卫生员? To find a bright, enthusiastic and well-trained employee, take a look at our listing of soon-to-graduate and recently graduated alumni members who have posted their C.V./resume on this site. 你可以很快找到你需要的专业员工来完成你牙科诊所的人员需求! 

If you have any questions about these services, please call 415.351.7108.



About Us

Who are we? We are the best dental school alumni association in the country. How do we know? 我们的统计数据告诉我们:25%的人超过8人,000名会员是活跃的付费会员, 这是我们毕业生对母校的积极情感的前所未有的证明. Each year, more than 1,000名校友出席校友会, 带着员工和客人,创造了惊人的出勤记录. 

Our Values

  • Integrity — The association is guided by accountability and high ethical standards. 
  • Communication — The association encourages active listening and open discussion, keeping members informed and connected to the dental school. 
  • Leadership — The association exemplifies visionary guidance with innovation and dedication. 
  • Camaraderie — The association is held together by a deep sense of belonging to the Arthur A. 杜戈尼牙科学院 family, goodwill and rapport among members.

Our Goals

  • Communicate with our members to keep them informed and up-to-date 
  • 增强对亚瑟A的自豪感. 杜戈尼牙科学院 
  • 最大化会员和参与 
  • 为优秀学生提供奖学金 
  • 鼓励校友参与慈善事业 
  • 培养校友和学生之间的关系 
  • 创造一种氛围,让学生在他们的职业生涯中都愿意参与协会和牙科学校.

Active Membership

积极的会员是通过每年缴纳会费来支持我们协会的校友. 我们依靠会员的会费来支持校友会的使命和目标. 年费为每年210美元. 会费通知每年12月发给所有校友. 出席校友活动的会员(i.e. 年会、CDA招待会或区域活动)应及时缴纳会费. All graduates and associate members receive every mailing from the Alumni Association, 不管纳税情况如何.

Associate Membership

Dentists who are not graduates of our dental school are invited to join the Arthur A. 杜戈尼牙科学院 Alumni Association as associate members. 同样是每年210美元的会员费, non-graduate dentists receive all mailings and benefits, 并被列为我们的准会员. 如欲成为校友会准会员,请致电415与校友会办公室联络.351.7108.

Recent Graduates

Recent graduates are exempt from dues for the first dues year following graduation, 接下来四年的会费打五折. Alums in AEGDs, GPRs, or specialty programs are not expected to pay dues. 终身会员免交会费. 


Alumni and associates who are dental hygienists are $105 per year.

Dugoni School Family

Faculty and staff can join the Alumni Association for $105 per year.


Graduates of the 杜戈尼牙科学院 in all programs (DDS, IDS, DH, AEGD, OMFS, Ortho and Endo) are automatically members of the Alumni Association. 积极的会员是通过每年缴纳会费来支持协会的校友. 我们依靠会员的会费来维持校友会的使命和目标. Currently, 常规会费是每年210美元, 成为会员有几个好处, 包括参加年度校友会议的机会,在那里你可以获得行政长官学分.


不是我们牙科学校毕业生的牙医被邀请加入杜戈尼校友会作为准会员. 对于相同的年度会费,非毕业牙医收到所有的邮件和福利. 有兴趣的人士需要填写准会员申请或联系校友会办公室.


Regular membership dues are $210 per year for both alumni and associate members. The membership year runs July 1 through June 30 the following year, 所有会员每年夏天都会收到会费报表.

New graduates are exempt from dues payments their first year out of school, and are given a discount up to four years after graduation. 终身会员免交会费. 

What are the benefits of joining as a dues-paying member?

校友会作为牙科学院的一个部门运作,其唯一目的是促进学院的福利, 它的毕业生和牙科专业. The Alumni Association sponsors and supports programs for our alumni, 学生和专业-从年度校友会议(在那里你可以获得CE单位并与其他校友联系)到各种校友分会活动和全体成员招待会. The Alumni Association also provides services to our members, such as the Dental Opportunities online listing of jobs and practices for sale, 学生贷款合并折扣通过SoFi, 通过我们的办公室提供转介服务, 还有志愿者的机会.


校友会提供牙科机会, 每月在线资源,帮助牙医寻找新的合作伙伴与毕业生和大四学生寻找工作. 牙科机会包括以下按地理位置排列的列表:

  • 为准会员/合作伙伴/牙医/保健专家
  • 实习和研究生项目
  • 销售/办公空间销售/租赁实务

查看房源不收费. 发布一个列表(或几个列表)对那些目前是付费会员是免费的. For all others, 一个房源三个月的费用是210美元,或者你也可以以每年210美元的价格加入校友会(作为校友或准会员),并拥有无限的房源.

找工作的人也可以贴出他们的C.V. 正规博彩十大网站.

Alumni Meeting


The annual Alumni Meeting is usually held in early March. The two-day meeting takes place in San Francisco at a local hotel.


The Alumni Meeting is open to all dues-paying members (active or associate), 终身会员和毕业班的学生. 你必须以付费会员身份加入校友会,方可出席校友会会议.


The fee is subject to change and is announced several months before the Meeting. This is a separate fee from the annual membership dues. Students in the graduating class are exempt from the registration fee.


Email DugoniAlumni@azarnewsonline.com

By Phone:

By Mail:
Alumni Association
Arthur A. 杜戈尼牙科学院
155 Fifth Street
By Fax:415.749.3377

注册办公室开放时间为周一至周五,上午8:30至下午5:00太平洋时间,可通过以下方式到达 sfregistrar@azarnewsonline.com or 415.929.6461.


请遵照本页所列的指示, here.


Alumni documentation can include graduation verification letters, completing forms that require the Registrar’s signature, and more. To file a request for your school documentation, please email sfregistrar@azarnewsonline.com. 我们鼓励您使用您的太平洋电子邮件地址发送电子邮件,如果它仍然可以访问.

Please note that we do our best to process all requests within 3-5 business days. 如果您的请求因不可预见的情况而延迟,我们将与您联系.


研究生申请由博士管理. Craig Yarborough. 申请研究生课程的学生应向博士索取研究生信息文件夹. Yarborough at cyarborough@azarnewsonline.com.


请遵照本页所列的指示, here.


Emails and Passwords

如果您在访问太平洋电子邮件帐户时遇到困难或忘记了学校密码, 请致电415与资讯科技联络.929.6514 or pchelp@azarnewsonline.com. We encourage alumni to keep their Pacific login information.


我们正在寻找一些校友志愿者来帮助宣传校友会的倡议和活动. Interested in helping?

Volunteer Duties:

  • 偶尔分享一些重要的公告.g.、会费募捐、聚会活动等.)到你的社交网络和/或你的班级Facebook页面
  • 如果你参加了校友聚会,发一张照片来分享活动的乐趣!
  • 发送任何你认为Dugoni学校校友想看到的有趣内容的想法
  • 传递有关职位空缺的信息, 有用的专业资源或其他资源,我们可以在牙科学校的社交媒体上展示
  • 分享你对校友会如何在Facebook上增加与校友的互动的想法, Instagram, Twitter, 领英或其他社交网络

If you'd like to get involved, contact the Alumni Association at dugonialumni@azarnewsonline.com.

To learn more about the school's presence on social media, visit:

Contact Point
Spring 2024
Contact Point

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